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Health Enhanced by Art 2020 (HEArt Journal)

Rube Goldberg Machine

Art Description

A Rube Goldberg Machine often depicts a complicated, deliberately over-engineered contraption that performs a simple task. It's a concept that has always fascinated me. I wanted to draw a Rube Goldberg Machine with people instead of mechanical parts and highlight teamwork at a grassroots level. At ASDOH, I've met a lot of community leaders who are passionate activists, so I illustrated the U.S. Capitol as the destination to denote our school's active role in advocacy.

Artist Statement

Artist: Sophia Oak, ASDOH

Sophia Oak (ASDOH '22) is currently the editor of Contour, the national American Student Dental Association Magazine, and editor-in-chief of the Lingual Groove, the Arizona chapter dental magazine. She worked as editorial cartoonist for several publications, including The Daily Pennsylvanian, where she created the award-winning cartoon strip "The Fishbowl." Visit for more information.