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About the A.T. Still Memorial Library

This page offers information about the services and branches of the Library

Liaison Services

Your liaison librarian is the librarian who specializes in supporting your School or Department. While all of the librarians have different expertise that is available to you, the liaison to your School is your first point of contact. As you will see, some librarians support more than one school. This is not an exhaustive list, but only some ideas of how a Librarian assists. You may also send your students to your Liaison Librarian for help. 

Faculty/Staff Research

Faculty Teaching

Student Services

 Find your Liasion Librarian

Liaison Librarians

Literature Searching

Literature search requests can be sent via email to your Liaison Librarian. You may request literature for a research project, an idea to improve health science education, or to see what new literature is out there.

When requesting a literature search, helpful information to include is:

  • Topic overview
    What are you looking for?  What do you not want articles on?
  • Limitations on results
    These could include publication date range, geography of studies, disciple specific research, etc.
  • Time line of when the information is needed
  • Search results format
    Would you like the results as a list of citations and abstracts to review, or as an RIS file to import into EndNote?
  • Is this a one time search, or would you like to set up a recurring alert?

A list of relevant articles are sent to you for review.  If you feel the articles are off topic, you may request a revised search request in a new topic area.  

You may also request the full text of articles listed, by providing the title or record number of the results.

Journal Review

If you receive an email asking for you to publish in a journal, be an editor, or attend a conference that seems suspicious, it may be predatory publishing.  You may forward the email to your Liaison Librarian to review if the email is legitimate or not.

Examples of Predatory Emails

To evaluate the journal or conference yourself, use our Predatory Publishing Guide for assistance.


Library Content for Courses

Recommending Library Content

The library has a large online collection of books, videos, apps, and more.  It can be overwhelming if you do not know where to begin.  Your Liaison Librarian can save you time by recommending library content.  Your request should include the type of information needed, and what format it should be.  You will receive a list of resources, with the proper link formatting that you can easily embed into your course.

Embedding Library Content

Library resources need to be formatted a specific way to ensure access.  You can not use the URL you see in your browse and copy/paste that into your course material.  For assistance properly formatting the links, contact your Liaison Librarian.

Instructions on Creating a Permanent Link to a Library Resource

Use the Resource Linking Guide for Premade Links and More Instructions.

Course Resources

The Reserve collection is built with the reading lists in each program.  Your Liaison Librarian reviews the new list each year to verify we provide access to all texts, either electronically or in print.  You may add print books to the collection for students to use by bringing a copy to the library front desk and asking for it to be put on reserve.  You may leave the book for the entire term or for a specific length of time.


While librarians are not copyright experts and cannot offer legal advice, we can provide some guidance on copyright and fair use.  Send copyright questions via email your Liaison Librarian with what you wish to use and how you will use it.  Library resources are considered Fair Use for course readings and reserves.

Copyright Guide

A.T. Still Memorial Library Copyright Policy for Course Readings and Reserves

Library Tutorials or Instruction


Custom tutorials can be created to embed into course material.  You may request tutorials to be written or as a video.  Tutorials can be on how to find certain types of information, how to get started and use a specific resource, or helpful information students will need to complete an assignment.


Library Training Modules: In person and synchronous sessions. Schedule of classes and registration information available within this guide. 

A Library session can also be requested for students before an assignment, in the beginning of the term, or before a major exam.  The session can be in person or as a webinar.  

Sessions taught in the past include:

  • Library overview and digital scavenger hunt
  • Literature searching basics
  • Advanced Literature searching with PubMed
  • Point of Care Resources (UpToDate, DynaMed, etc)
  • Overview of PICO and how to find relevant articles
  • Exam Prep Resources and getting started
  • Evidence Based Medicine and library resources
  • Predatory Publishing
  • Research Data Management
  • Systematic Reviews
  • Copyright


Access Issues

Access issues can occur with library resources due to the size of our collection and the various resources we use.  For help, you can email your Liaison Librarian or use the Ask-A-Librarian form.

Resource Status

Technical issues are reported through the Resource Status Twitter, found on the Library Homepage.


If you can not access the full text of an eBook, please let us know.  The book may have been removed from our collection by mistake, or it could be a platform issue.

Article full text

If you can not access the full text of an article, send an email to your Liaison Librarian. You will either receive the full text or the article will be requested on your behalf.

You may send article requests to the Arizona Campus Library at or the Missouri Campus Library at as well.

You may also use the Report a Broken Link option in Still OneSearch.  This will notify the Library, and the full text will be sent to you ASAP.  


Common issues and fixes


Access to the UpToDate app stops working.

If you are off campus, start at the ATSU portal and go to the library website.
2. Click on our Database page
3. Under Popular & Core Databases, click on UpToDate

  • If you get to a "Sign in with an OpenAthens account" screen, search for ATSU under "Find Your Organization" by searching for A.T. Still University.  You will need to re-log into the portal.  Then you will need to click "Log Out" in the top right corner and re-log in with your UpToDate username and password.
  • If you get right to UpToDate, you just need to log in with your UpToDate username and password.


Library Purchase Requests

Purchase requests can be sent via email to your Liaison Librarian.  Library staff will review and make a decision on whether to purchase or not.  Decisions are based on availability, cost, and a positive impact on our collection.  

Helpful information to include in the request:

  • Book- Title, book format (eBook or Print), reason for purchase
  • Journals - Title and reason for purchase
  • Other electronic resources - Title, link to resource, and reason for purchase

Create a Custom LibGuide

LibGuides are internal facing websites you can use for courses, research, or overview information.  To request a custom LibGuide, contact your Liaison Librarian.

The LibGuide will be created for you.  You will also receive an account if you do not already have one.  You will be trained on the basics of LibGuides, such as how to add different types of content and how to set up the layout.  You may assign multiple people to be editors of a specific LibGuide.