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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 7, 2015: New Resources
Books, Journals, videos, etc

Newly Added E-Books At The Libraries

Board Vitals added to collection

Board Vitals iconBoard Vitals offers a question bank, plus up-to-date explanations from the literature with answers and detailed feedback. Use the Boards Vital instruction page if you run into any difficulty.

New McGraw-Hill Books


New Titles from McGraw Hill & AccessMedicine (Click to see a list) :

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New Rittenhouse Books


New Titles from Rittenhouse (Includes DO, DMD and Allied Health Titles) (Click to see a list) :

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New ClincalKey Books

Click here the New and Updated titles in ClinicalKey:

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New Sage Book Colelction


New Titles from the new Sage collection (Click to see a list) :

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.