CGHS requires instructors to post all student grades within 96 hours of the due date. All assignments and final discussion forum posts are due on Sunday of each week, therefore all grades should be in the Gradebook by 11:59 pm the following Thursday. This includes:
Grading is an important form of two-way communication. Quality, summative feedback on assessments is critical to the students' learning process.
Please do not change, remove, or hide columns in the Grade Book. If there is a grade column missing or if anything in the Grades is incorrect, please contact immediately.
In addition, do not delete any student submissions. Students have the ability to resubmit, so it is their responsibility to submit the correct assessment.
As you are teaching your course, please put a 0 in the Grade Book for any assignments that were not submitted by a student. This allows students to see a more accurate representation of their grades, and allows the Academic Advisors to know which students are at risk of failing the course. Faculty may not excuse any grades or excuse students from completing assessments.
Final Grades
Your Academic Advisor will email the official course grade sheet to you before the end of the term. This grade sheet must be completed and returned to the Academic Advisor within 96 hours of the end of the term.
Only letter grades will be entered on the grade sheet. CGHS assigns letter grades of A, B, C, and F - there is no D and no plus or minus values. The grading scale is found in every syllabus. The grade sheet letter grades MUST be a direct conversion of the numeric grade in Canvas; the submitted grades and the online Grade Book must match exactly. Note that CGHS does not round to the nearest whole number when figuring the numerical final grade. If a student earns 89.76 points, that student will receive a B for the course.
The names of students who have withdrawn from the course will be listed on the grade sheet with the WE or W designation in the grade column. You do not need to do anything for those students.
Incomplete Grades
A student may request an "Incomplete" grade designation for a course if the situation meets the following criteria:
As the instructor, you must list the work to be done, the date by which this work must be completed, and any other terms of completion to remove the "Incomplete" and send that information to the student via the Messages tool within the course. If you approve the "Incomplete," enter an "I" on the grade sheet and submit it as usual. Contact your Academic Advisor for additional information and assistance in dealing with requests for an "Incomplete" in your course.
Fourteen days after the end of the term, the "Incomplete" must be changed to a letter grade. Please contact your AA for steps to handle those courses.
When you receive the work from the student and you've graded it, you must complete a Change of Grade Request form, which you may obtain from your Academic Advisor. The completed form is faxed or scanned and emailed to the Academic Advisor. If the work is not completed, the missing work is given a "0," and the student receives the letter grade for the points shown in the Grade Book.
When grading assignments, summative feedback is important for students. It is a form of dialogue with students to help guide them to improved writing. You may find the following general guidelines helpful in providing feedback on written work.
Feedback is an integral part of the learning process and -- as instructors -- we need to consciously continue to develop our skills in providing it.