AccessMedicine Review QuestionsThe AccessMedicine Platform contains a wide variety of helpful tools for students, including flashcards and review questions. Topics covered include anatomy and physiology, biochemistry, microbiology. pharmacology, genetics, and more.
Exam MasterThis link opens in a new windowExam master is a comprehensive, interactive, and customizable exam prep tool. After making an account, you can create exams that test specific topics including anatomy, biochemistry, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, and physiology.
Access Note:Register using your ATSU email address, then check your email for a confirmation message. When you set up your account, choose Learning Resource Center if you are in the DO program; otherwise, select Dentistry or Physician Assistant.
Case Files
Case Files CollectionThe Case Files Collection provides a wide variety of case files in different topics so you can learn about essential biomedical topics through clinical scenarios. Topics covered include anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, and more.