Try Board Vitals, an interactive review resource for the PANCE/PANRE, etc.
Sign up for access to large interactive question banks for these and other exams with up-to-date explanations from the literature and detailed feedback.
1. Register using your ATSU email address to create a personal account.
2. It will send you a confirmation e-mail that you must click on to gain access to the test modules that ATSU subscribes.
3. After clicking on the email link, visit Board Vitals and sign in to gain access to your modules and save your progress.
4. When you log in after confirming your account, you should see a long list of open modules on the main screen and also in the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
5. IMPORTANT: When selecting a module/question bank, scroll to the last option- PANCE/PANRE. Do NOT select the PANCE option alone.
Faculty can also use this resource to send practice exams to their students. For the CCPA Program, contact Hal Bright or Dot Winslow for help. For the ASHS-PA Program, contact Laura Barkema for help.
Try StatPearls, a learning management platform that includes questions for PANCE & PANRE & other PA subject areas.
1. Go to StatPearls
2. Sign in or register using your ATSU email address and create your own password
3. On the left side menu, click on "Question Banks" and then Quiz Builder to select between focused question banks
4. View your performance and pre/ post testing assessment to see your progress and which areas you may need to focus on.
Try Exam Master's interactive self-testing question bank to create your own custom self-exams to review for the PANCE/PANRE, etc.
Sign up for access to large banks of questions using your ATSU email address.
Faculty can also use this resource to send practice exams to their students. For the CCPA Program, contact Hal Bright or Dot Winslow for help. For the ASHS-PA Program, contact Laura Barkema for help.