Who is this Opportunity For?
This research opportunity is available for all College of Graduate Health Studies (CGHS) students, including certificate students and dual-degree students, with the following caveats:
If you are in a doctorate level program, this research opportunity is separate from the research you will be doing for your DRP, ARP, Dissertation, or PH-Dental Residency. If you are eager to start the research for your DRP, ARP, Dissertation, or PH-Dental Residency early, talk to your program chair and/or your advisor.
If you are a dual-degree student, we request you first speak with the administration of your primary school (ASDOH, MOSDOH, SOMA, KCOM, or ASHS). Many of ATSU's schools have robust research programs in place, and we don't want to step on anyone's toes.
This is an ongoing initiative, so there is no deadline for applying.
Guided Research & Publishing Opportunity
The Office of Scholarly and Professional Development (OSPD) is pleased to offer students the opportunity to pursue researching and publishing a paper as an option for those interested in original authorship. Several highly qualified faculty have volunteered to serve as mentors for students who are interested in publishing papers that are not a part of their respective DRP, ARP, Dissertation, or PH-Dental Residency. Please note that DRP, ARP, Dissertation, or PH-Dental Residency students should work directly with their own facilitator/instructor, following program policy, to pursue publication of their DRP, ARP, Dissertation, or PH-Dental Residency manuscripts. For all other projects, read on!
Do you have an idea or topic that you would like to research and publish? If so, fill out this form and forward it to for consideration.
A crucial step in any research study is determining the feasibility of the proposed plan. While having all of the details figured out from the beginning is not necessary, evaluating whether you have a topic that meets a need or area of inquiry in the field, sufficient access to resources, and that your mentor can support your publication journey is essential.
The introductory outline requires you to consider factors that will serve as a departure point for the research you will conduct with a dedicated faculty member. Giving careful consideration to these factors, and revising your plan based on mentor input, will increase the likelihood of successful and timely publication of your paper.
The OSPD and your assigned mentor will make a final determination regarding the acceptability of your project.
If you have questions, please email; otherwise, we look forward to seeing your proposals! Send your proposals, using this form, to
Proposal form:
Note that many government opportunities have either "disappeared," are on pause, or are otherwise in limbo. The government programs listed below are still posted. If you can still access the application and/or application submission portal, go ahead and submit your application. Do not assume the application deadline will be extended because of the current uncertainty.
Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad (FRA) Program
Application Deadline: March 10, 2025
Location: Abroad
The Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad (FRA) fellowships program contributes to the development and improvement of modern foreign language and area studies in the U.S. by providing opportunities for scholars to conduct research abroad.
The FRA program funds fellowships through institutions of higher education (IHEs) to faculty members who propose to conduct research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies to improve their skill in languages and their knowledge of the culture of the people of these countries. Fellows conduct research abroad for periods of 3 to 12 months. Funds support: travel expenses to and from the residence of the fellow and the country or countries of research, a maintenance stipend for the fellow related to his or her academic year salary, and an allowance for research-related expenses overseas such as books and photocopying, tuition, affiliation fees, local travel, and other incidental expenses. Proposals focusing solely on Western Europe are not eligible.
Opportunity and Application Details
NOTE: Although this is a federal program, there is no evidence of a "pause" or retraction yet. If you are interested, apply by the stated deadline and hope for the best.
The ORISE Research Participation Programs at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Application Deadline: Various
The ORISE Research Participation Programs at HHS are educational and training programs designed to provide college students, recent graduates, and university faculty opportunities to participate in project-specific HHS research and developmental activities.
See for a list of current HHS research opportunities
NOTE: The current list of opportunities is sparse. Assume this situation is temporary as the government proceeds through this period of economic uncertainty. Check back frequently. Hopefully more opportunities will begin to reappear soon.
The ORISE Research Participation Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Application Deadline: Various
The ORISE Research Participation Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is an educational and training program designed to provide college students, recent graduates, and university faculty opportunities to connect with the unique resources of the CDC. With the support of an assigned mentor, participants have authentic research experiences at state-of the-art facilities. These research experiences complement the educational nature of the programs and make participants aware of potential STEM employment opportunities at the sponsoring agency. Participants will have access to unique research and training opportunities, top scientists and engineers, and state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.
See for a list of current CDC research opportunities.
The ORISE Research Participation Programs at the Environmental Protection Agency
Application Deadline: Various
The ORISE Research Participation Programs at EPA are educational and training programs designed to provide college students, recent graduates, and university faculty opportunities to participate in project-specific EPA research and developmental activities.
See for a list of current EPA research opportunities
The ORISE Research Participation Programs at the Food & Drug Agency
Application Deadline: Various
The ORISE Research Participation Programs at FDA are educational and training programs designed to provide college students, recent graduates, and university faculty opportunities to participate in project-specific FDA research and developmental activities.
See for a list of current FDA research opportunities
NOTE: As of February 4-March 1, 2025 there were no current research opportunities listed. Assume this situation is temporary as the government proceeds through this period of economic uncertainty. Check back frequently. Hopefully more opportunities will begin to reappear soon.
Columbia University School of Nursing - Systems Science and Comparative and Cost-Effectiveness Research (S2CER2) Fellowship for Nurse Scientists
Application Deadline: Unclear; Apply NOW
Location: New York, NY
Funded by an NIH-NINR T32 Institutional Training Grant, the Systems Science and Comparative and Cost-Effectiveness Research Training for Nurse Scientists (S2CER2) program aims to address the systemic and structural inequities in minority populations, develop interventions that address social determinants of health, and design systems and models of care. Each fellow is matched with two faculty mentors—one within nursing and one from another field—to advise them in pursuing original health policy research and helping to prepare them for influential careers as nurse scientists and advocates.
Opportunity and Application Details
Columbia University School of Nursing - Reducing Health Disparities Through Informatics (RHeaDI) Pre and Postdoctoral Training Program
Application Deadline: Unclear; Apply NOW
Location: New York, NY
The RHeaDI Pre and Postdoctoral Training Program provides seven trainees with research support, didactic courses, networking opportunities, and financial assistance to conduct interdisciplinary research using informatics and precision medicine approaches to advance health equity and facilitate evidence-based practice in underserved populations.
Opportunity and Application Details
International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) - Research Fellowship
Application Deadline: Unclear; Apply now
Location: Remote
The INACSL Research Fellowship is a twelve-month program designed to develop future leaders in simulation research. This unique, web-based fellowship is comprised of monthly webinars with experts, extensive reading, and writing, with guidance on the best practices and processes of conducting simulation research. Fellows work on a research project, grant application, or research manuscript during the twelve-month period and are assigned an experienced mentor to guide them during the development of their project.
Opportunity and Application Details