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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 5, 2014: CGHS
ATSU Guide

CGHS Library Website

Cynthia Porter, who started the Distance Support Librarian position on the Arizona Campus, will be leaving on October 3, 2014.  We wish her the best of luck in the future and thank her for all her hard work.  Margaret Hoogland, who is currently the Distance Support Librarian on the Missouri Campus, will be assuming responsibility for supporting the faculty, staff, and students for all of the programs in the College of Graduate Health Studies (CGHS).

On July 1, 2014, the School of Health Management officially became the College of Graduate Health Studies, incorporating the Doctor of Health Sciences (DHSc) and Kinesiology (formerly Human Movement) online programs from the Arizona School of Health Sciences. 

Using the new ATSU Guides platform, a new website was developed to incorporate the resources and tools previously available on the Program Pages.  The new CGHS Library Program Pages include a separate section for each program: 

Health Administration
Health Education
Health Sciences (DHSc)
Public Health

Also of interest are the following websites maintained by Kathy Adler, Associate Dean of the College of Graduate Health Studies, (CGHS) and the CGHS Instructional Design Team.

The College of Graduate Health Studies

CGHS Course Resources

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns; please get in touch with any library staff member and we will be happy to assist you.

  Margaret Hoogland

  Emails: or

  Twitter: @cyberlibatsu

  Phone: 660-626-2340