The ATSU eBook collection includes about 150,000 ebooks, of which more than 15,000 are medically related. These include eBooks from a number of important publishers and databases including AccessMedicine, ClinicalKey, EBSCO, McGraw-Hill, OVID, Rittenhouse (R2), Science Direct, Springer, Stat!Ref, and Thieme.
In addition to the core health and medical collection the Library recently added access to an extensive academic e-book collection of over 140,000 titles covering a wide range of academic areas (see the full list of subjects included in the collection below). Because we expect the vast majority of queries to be health and medically related we have set these areas as the default areas searched. The search steps presented below include instructions on how to search the full collection.
How can you search specifically for eBooks on the OneSearch menu?
1. Choose either the Arizona or the Missouri campus (all of the ebooks are available in both searches).
2. Narrow your search by choosing Keyword, Title or Author in the first menu box, and choose Catalog Only from the next menu box.
3. Finally, type in your search terms in the search box, and hit Enter or click on the magnifying glass icon at the left of the box. And you’re on your way!
Discipline Limiters
Medically related subject areas called “Disciplines” are already checked as default subject areas to search in the list under Discipline Limiter. You can customize this list by checking and unchecking boxes by the subjects you want to search. There is a CheckAll/Uncheck All option as well. If you “Uncheck All”, all of the check-marks will disappear, and the search will include everything in the system without reference to any particular subject area.
Below is a listing of all of the disciplines included in the full dataset.
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