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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 4, 2013: Still

Launching our new Still OneSearch tool with explanations, tips and tutorials.

Still One Search

The library's Still OneSearch searches all the library's eBook and Print book titles, our journal holdings, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, the AtoZ list, our library catalogs and many other resources.  Simple searches are entered and returns results quickly.  Advanced users can limit their queries with several useful options before and after the search.  The Missouri and Arizona campuses have separate searches for their respective resources.

The search results can be further refined by subject, format, source (CINAHL, MEDLINE, etc) or date.  Links to full text for library-owned journals and eBooks connect the searcher to immediately available content. Widgets on the right side of the results extend the search on to native database interfaces for additional discovery opportunities.

The Clinical Search allows our clinical students to search our three most-used Point-Of-Care resources.  In the next few months, we hope to federate these searches into one conveninet search. UpToDate, ACP SmartMedicine, and FirstConsult are all searched from this tab.

Finally, we have enabled a PubMed search directly from our home page for those who prefer this search interface.

Searching Our Resources with the Still OneSearch

Still OneSearch has many features to guide you to your desired resource quickly.  You may enter your search terms and GO!; or make use of the facets and limiters provided in the search boxes.

1. SEARCH OPTIONS TAB: Choose the tab to search PubMed, a Clinical Search resource (UpToDate, FirstConsult or ACP SmartMedicine) or use the new Still OneSearch.

2. CAMPUS SELECTOR: Select which campus your program is affiliated with, Arizona or Missouri.

3. SEARCH TYPE: This option defaults to Keyword, but a Title (article, journal, eBook, book) or Author search can be selected.

4. ADDITIONAL POPULAR LIMITERS: Full Text, Peer Reviewed and eBook will allow you to focus your search quickly to your desired outcome.

5. DISCPLINE LIMITERS:  These limiters focus your search to a health related search.  Choose one or more to narrow search.  Uncheck all for a full search of all our included databases.