The library makes adjustments to its collections as usage and demand rise and fall. In order to offer added services like UpToDate and LWW Health Library, we need to discontinue Essential Evidence Plus which includes InfoPOEMs as of December 31, 2014. Please access FirstConsult, UpToDate or ACP Journal Club to find similar content that is found in this database.
Reprinted and modified from the CU Health Sciences Newsletter.
QUESTION: I was able to access an e-book recently, but now I can only get to the table of contents. What happened?
The library is participating in a PDA (Patron Driven Acquisition) purchase program with some publishers, including R2 e-books. These books can be found in One Search or our catalog. They are fully accessible until they have been used a certain number of times. Once that threshold has been reached, users can no longer access the full-text of the book–only the table of contents. The library then decides if it can purchase the e-book. Our goal is to make sure the library is purchasing resources that are getting used and are important to our users.
QUESTION: How can I tell if an e-book has been “triggered?”
If you mouseover (hover over) the table of contents link, a message will pop up saying this e-book is being considered for purchase (see image). If you would like to inquire about the status of a PDA e-book, or have other questions, please email Hal Bright <>