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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 5, 2014: New Resources
Books, Journals, videos, etc


AccessPhysiotherapy is devoted exclusively to the study, instruction, and practice of physical therapy – with groundbreaking content for today’s PT. It contains 20 leading PT textbooks including Dutton’s Orthopaedic Examination and Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation, more than 500 videos of rehabilitation techniques, kinetics, and physical therapy interventions, interactive self-assessment questions designed to help users prepare for the NPTE exam, Anatomy & Physiology Revealed – An interactive cadaver dissection tool that students can use to gain valuable anatomical knowledge and more.

A list of books can be found here...including Dutton's Orthopaedic Examination Evaluation and Intervention, Pharmacology for the Physical Therapist, Basic Biomechanics, Therapeutic Modalities in Rehabilitation and McGraw-Hill's NPTE.

LWW Science Collection

The LWW Health Library Basic Sciences Collection provides online access to titles such as Clinically Oriented Anatomy, Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy, Grant’s Dissector, Langman’s Medical Embryology, Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials and many more. The books are accompanied by case descriptions, procedure videos, images, and lecture resources for study preparation.

Bates Videos

Each module of the Bates' Visual Guide to Physical Examination shows step-by-step examinations with rationales for the clinician's actions and contains expanded discussions of health history taking, interviewing, and describing findings.  Graphics throughout the series illustrate key components of anatomy and physiology.  Patients and actual expert clinicians represent diverse age groups and cultures to reflect realistic practice settings.

This database is mobile friendly.

Nursing and Allied Health Collection from Gale

Nursing and Allied Health Collection contains full-text access to thousands of journals, with a strong emphasis on titles cited in CINAHL. This databases fills in collections for PA, PT, OT and other allied health areas.

New ClincalKey Books

Click here the New and Updated titles in ClinicalKey:

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

Films On Demand

Click here the New and Updated titles in Films on Demand:

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New McGraw-Hill Books


New Titles from McGraw Hill & AccessMedicine (Click to see a list) :

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New Stat!Ref E-Books


Seven New Dental Titles from Stat!Ref (Click to see a list) :

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.