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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 4, 2013: Revised
Web Site

Launching our new Still OneSearch tool with explanations, tips and tutorials.

Revised Website

As mentioned in our Check-It-Out home page the challenge of developing an effective discovery tool (the term used in libraries for a single search system) is twofold.  First, it must be easy to use as many of our users are overwhelmed with their own work and studies.  Second, it needs to produce precise, relevant results to enable our users to locate actionable quality evidence/information.  The Library staff thinks that Still OneSearch is a real step forward in accomplishing this.  But as we showed in the What it Searches and What It Doesn't page there are significant library-based resources and needs that are not met by Still OneSearch.  The Library staff has started the revision of the Library web site in conjunction with the launch of Still OneSearch to make accessing and using all of the Library’s resources easier.  Here are some of the changes:

  • The home page has been simplified.  The Library sees Still OneSearch as the primary search tool for its books and journals, so it is the main focus of the page.  The right column of the current homepage has been eliminated, with those menus now added to the column on the left side of the page.
  • The Quick Links and the Program Links are now in separate pages easily accessed from the home page.
  • A new page accessible from the home page has been added to bring together the pharmacological resources in the Library’s collections.
  • The banner across the top of the page has been revised.

These are the initial steps for revising our web site.  A brief introduction to future plans for developing the Library’s web site to simplify and strengthen your ability to find the evidence/information you need is presented in the Future Plans page of this newsletter.