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Resource Linking

Browzine Articles

Use the Share feature in Browzine to grab ready-to-go article level links complete with our institutional information as shown below.

Browzine "Share" link option example

Cochrane Library Articles

If the linked DOI provided on the Cochrane Library's platform fails to connect to the intended target, institutional links to articles can be made:

(Option 1)  With our opens a new windowOpenAthens generator plus an article link from the address bar as shown below:

cochrane library article address bar circled


The final link output for this example would be:


(Option 2) Or, you can try an alternative link approach by adding the article's DOI to:

Final example link would resemble:


ClinicalKey Articles

To consistently link articles with the PDF Full Text option intact, you'll need to start with this unique prefix:

And, add the prefix to the unique identifier displayed in your address bar, as shown in the example below:!/content/journal/1-s2.0-S1440244019313477

ClinicalKey article unique identifier example from browser address bar


All together, the final output link should resemble:

ScienceDirect Articles

For the best and quickest linking experience, add the primary prefix to the ScienceDirect URL displayed in the address bar as shown below.[ScienceDirect URL]

The final URL should resemble the following:


If the final link fails to connect, ask for help creating an alternative link to the resource.


Creating non-EBSCO/primary prefix link alternatives

*Only use this approach when you need linking alternatives that avoid using EBSCO [widgets] completely.

For article-level links, ScienceDirect links work when the following Elsevier WAYFless URL and the institutional identity + base URL with 'pii' are both encoded URLs.

As a shortcut, using the following pre-encoded prefix:

Then, just add the unique articleID number to the end of the link (visible after  in the address bar)

ScienceDirect article with the unique article identifier number emphasized in the browser as an example

All together, the ending example of a working article link should resemble:

General notes:

  • The widgets prefix works so well because of the embedded forced encoding the precedes the OpenAthens redirector and the base/target URL at the end. Without that forced 'encode' command, you'd have to rely on the alternative approach detailed below.
  • ScienceDirect prefers to use cookies to create better experience on their platform. As a result, first-time connections, link testing in Incognito/Private Browsing, or switching browsers may cause an connection message to appear asking whether or not to link their account for a faster experience. You can Continue without registering as pictured below to then access the article. This intermediary message can be a bit confusing or even alarming to new users. To avoid unnecessary frustration, use the primary prefix above whenever possible so this message doesn't keep reappearing.

ScienceDirect idp authentication question example asking the users to chose whether to continue without linking or register now. Continue without registering is emphasized

DOI or PMID Search