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DMSc Capstone Scoping Reviews

This guide has been prepared by the DMSc liaison librarian to answer common questions, provide resources, and help students as they conduct their capstone scoping review project.


This guide is designed to help guide DMSc students through the scoping review project undertaken during the Capstone 1 and 2 courses. In this guide, you will find

  • Answers to frequently asked questions about the project and scoping reviews in general
  • Advice for how to choose databases for your scoping review
  • Advice for how to choose grey literature sources for your scoping review
  • Instructions on how to export your searches from databases, save them in a citation manager, and get your references into Covidence for screening and data extraction

This guide is meant to connect and interrelate to various course assignments, including online tutorials and worksheets, that have been designed by the librarian. In particular, the sections on choosing databases and grey literature sources are meant to help you identify these sources for your worksheet assignment.

Of course, you are encouraged to reach out to the librarian for assistance with understanding the scoping review methodology, literature search techniques, choosing databases and grey literature sources, managing your references, and more. My email and appointment scheduler link can be found on this page.

Helpful Links and Resources

Liaison and Communications Librarian

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Laura Barkema