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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 3, 2013: New Resources
Books, Journals, videos, etc

New Drug Database - Micromedex

Micromedex includes unbiased, referenced information about drugs, toxicology, diseases, acute care, and alternative medicine that will help you make informed clinical diagnosis and treatment decisions.

The ATSU subscription includes Drug Interactions, Trissel's IV Compatibility, Tox & Drug Product Lookup and RED BOOK Online plus a patient drug guide called CareNotes.


New Rittenhouse eBooks

We have added several thousand titles to our Rittenhouse collection which spans the whole gamut of disciplines taught at ATSU.  Click on the R2 logo to the left for a complete list.  Or, try the topical links below.

Athletic Training
Medical Books by Topic
Occupational Therapy
Physical Therapy
Sports Medicine

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

140,000+ New eBooks from EBSCO

We have subscribed to the EBSCO eBook collection, a broad collection containing several titles which will enrich our Clinical, Business and Education collections.  This very broad collection contains subjects as varied as learning languages to advanced chemistry to politics and history. Clinical titles can be found here.

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New Stat!Ref E-Books


7 New Titles from Stat!Ref (Click to see a list) :

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.

New ClincalKey Books

Click here the New and Updated titles in ClinicalKey:

All titles can be found in our MO or AZ catalogs.