COVID-19: News & Resources
In a July Open Mike post, Michael Lauer, MD, NIH deputy director for extramural research, discussed the pandemic’s effects on non-COVID research and the research workforce. To understand early effects, NIH analyzed the number of incoming new and competing renewal research grant applications received between May 1 and June 5 in 2017 – 2020.
Key findings:
Do not include contingency plans (i.e., outlining steps needed to recover from COVID-19-related emergency situations or institutional return-to-the-workplace plans) in NIH grant applications. If necessary, NIH staff will request and consider COVID-19 contingency plans before funding.
NIH grant reviewers will continue to be instructed to:
Check out the new webpage dedicated to listing active (and expired) NIH funding opportunities specific to COVID-19.
Use this link to explore NIH COVID-19-related grant funding. Grant data are updated each weekend.
Check out NIH's COVID-19: Information for NIH Applicants and Recipients of NIH Funding webpage for new resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. NIH is also tweeting from @NIHgrants as updates are posted.