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Learning Goals and Objectives : Home


Learning Goals and Objectives

What is it?

Learning goals summarize the big pictures aim of the course. They briefly describe what you want students to learn, in terms of knowledge, skills, or attitudes/abilities (KSAs), and what you want students to be able to do as a result of the course. They often state what the ideal performance looks like as an observable, measurable behavior. 


Learning objectives (LOs) describe specific, discrete units of knowledge and skill that can be accomplished within a short time frame (that might be a lesson, a week, or a module). The sum of your learning objectives should add up to the course goal. 


There are several models or formulas for writing LOs (e.g. SMART, 3-Component, Bloom’s Taxonomy). But whichever model you use, LOs should be student-centered, specific and measurable. This helps students know when they have achieved the goal and helps you to align your assessments with the LOs.     

Examples and Implementation

Learning Goal: 
Summarize the relationships that exist between biology and human behavior.


Learning Objectives: 

By the end of the 10-week course, students will be able to:

  • Identify and define 7 major biological areas
  • Describe how each area affects human behavior


See how these goals and objectives might align with instructional content and assessments here.