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Toolkit to support the study and research of kinesiology

Tutorials : How to Do Library Research

Tutorials : How to Search PubMed

Tutorial : Select & Use a Citation Manager

Tutorial : How to use Epi Info

Tutorials : Find & Understand Health Statistics

Tutorial : Evidence-Based Dentistry

Tutorial : Evidence-Based Practice

Tutorial : Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health

Tutorials : Library Training Modules

Tutorials : Research & Publication Ethics

Tutorials : How to Write & Publish in Public Health

Tutorials : Specific Library Databases & Resources

Find Full-Text Articles

How to find full-text articles for a known citation or abstract:

  • Search for the journal title in the A-Z list
    • Do not include the article title
  • If the Library does not have the journal or journal year that you need, request it via Interlibrary Loan
    • The Library will try to get it for you for free from another library
    • It will typically take between 2-5 business days