Database of over 35,000 randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. For each trial, review or guideline, PEDro provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible. All trials on PEDro are independently assessed for quality.
Free access to MEDLINE, the vast NLM database of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journal articles as well as additional selected life sciences and biomedical journals not in MEDLINE.
Linked to ATSU's full-text subscription journals when access via this link. Includes access to PubMed Central, which is fulltext and open access.
Abstracts for over 200,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities; spanning 1956 to the present; includes some full-text. Now includes the CIRRIE Database of International Rehabilitation Research.