CITI Program Training Guide:
- Research Ethics and Compliance Training
- How to register
- Required modules
- Additional courses
Research Ethics and Compliance Training FAQs:
What is CITI training? The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI Program)...promote[s] ethical research at organizations where research is conducted through the education of research administrators and organizational leadership."
Who is required to complete the training?
Why is CITI training required?
- A. T. Still University requires all Investigators conducting research with human subjects to obtain certification of training in human subjects protection and financial conflict of interest (FCOI). These training certification requirements may be satisfied by completing a web-based course offered through the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). The human subjects protection and FCOI training must be renewed every four years.
Where do I submit my completed training certificate?
- CITI training certificates in human subjects protection and financial conflict of interest should be submitted directly to Ms. Anita Franklin (