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How to use BrowZine Mobile and your Personal BookShelf

LibKey Nomad : a BrowZine Extension

LibKey Nomad icon

LibKey Nomad is a Chrome extension that will search ATSU's collections for the full-text for articles from some external sites like PubMed or Wikipedia, as well as hundreds of other scholarly publisher sites.

Once installed, it will automatically display an access button on the article abstract that will take you right to either ATSU's full-text or to our interlibrary loan request form.

Install LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is currently only available for Chrome. 

Install it by:

  1. Search for LibKey Nomad in the Google Chrome Store, or click here
  2. Click Add to Chrome​ when you find it
  3. It will warn you that it can "read and change all your data on the websites you visit".  This means that it will look for articles that ATSU has access to in order to be able to tell you this information. There is no way to use this without that function. 
    1. Find more information about LibKey Nomad's technical specifications and security on its FAQ here.
  4. Search for A.T. to find A.T. Still University
  • Libkey nomad select
  1. Select it
  2. You have now installed it on your browser.
  3. When you are visiting a publisher's journal site, PubMed, Wikipedia, etc. and see a button shaped like this, it will take you either to ATSU provided content or our interlibrary loan form.
    • libkey button


LibKey Nomad and PubMed

Install LibKey Nomad to add clear, fast access to ATSU and other full-text directly from PubMed with one click.  There are several different access options and variations that may appear marked by a button like this, findable right below the article entry: Blank Libkey Nomad button

If there is no full-text available, it will let you log in to access our library's interlibrary loan request form.

The most common buttons you will see will be:

  • Access Options - This appears when it cannot gain access to full-text. It will send you directly to login to the Library's Interlibrary Loan request form.
  • Download PDF or Article Link - These appear when there IS full-text available. They will open the article in either PDF or html format as stated.
  • View Complete Issue - This appears when there is a BrowZine entry for the entire issue of the journal available. It will take you to it.

See examples below from the new version of PubMed (note: it will work in the Legacy version of PubMed):

LibKey buttons on Pubmed results