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Harmonize: Home



What is it?

Harmonize is a tool that integrates into Canvas. It's well known for its discussion boards, but also has additional features for collaboration, feedback, and communication. 


Harmonize also has features that allow for: setting multiple deliverables (ex. one deadline for an initial post and another for peer-responses), annotating or responding within uploaded video, PDF annotations, sharing resources and uploading multiple types of content (audio, screen share, text) from within the tool, AI-supported discussion prompt and rubric generation, and automatic grading features. 

This video below gives a highlight of Harmonize, what it is, and what it looks like:

Video Source:

Examples and Implementation

Use cases for Harmonize include:

  • Graded (small or large) group discussions about a prompt or a piece of media (a reading, a video, etc.)
  • Non-graded discussions like questions about the class, FAQs, or asynchronous informal chat spaces
  • Personalized reflections. Unlike Canvas discussion boards, Harmonize allows students to post to the board in a way that is only viewable to the instructor and not other students

Some examples from health sciences include:

  • Professional development and teaching practical skills in nursing (blog, recorded webinar)
  • Experiential Learning in Pharmacy (blog)


Remember, however, that while technology is a tool, it is important to think about the teaching and learning basics. For any discussion board to be successful, it might have clear instructions/expectationsan engaging prompt, and a supportive, collaborative culture that has been previously established in the class.