AMSTAR ChecklistAMSTAR (A MeaSurement Tool to Assess systematic Reviews) is a series of questions to evaluate the quality of an article and its relevance to the research question.
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of InterventionsThe official guide that describes in detail the process of preparing and maintaining Cochrane systematic reviews on the effects of healthcare interventions. All authors should consult the Handbook for guidance on the methods used in Cochrane systematic reviews.
JBI Manual for Evidence SynthesisThe JBI Manual is an internationally-recognized standard that details how a systematic review should be conducted to be considered the highest standard of clinical evidence.
PRISMA: Reporting Standards
PRISMAPRISMA is a reporting guideline that you must follow when publishing a systematic review. It specifies how each step of the systematic review process must be reported on in your final article. While PRISMA only guides the reporting of the review, it is helpful to look at it at the beginning of the process to understand the necessary future steps.
PRISMA 2020 Explanation and ElaborationThis article goes into detail about what is required for each element of PRISMA, and provides examples to guide your own writing.
PRISMA ChecklistThe PRISMA 2020 statement comprises a 27-item checklist addressing the introduction, methods, results and discussion sections of a systematic review report.
PRISMA Flow DiagramsThe flow diagram depicts the flow of information through the different phases of a systematic review. It maps out the number of records identified, included and excluded, and the reasons for exclusions. Different templates are available depending on the type of review (new or updated) and sources used to identify studies.