CINAHL Plus with Full TextThis link opens in a new windowComprehensive research database for nursing and allied health sciences; includes full text for more than 730 journals; indexing for more than 5,000 journals; health care books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of practice, audiovisuals, book chapters and more; for topics including nursing, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines including physical therapy, occupational therapy, audiology, etc.
LWW Health Library Occupational TherapyThis link opens in a new windowCollection of LWW textbooks, videos, multimedia, self-assessment interactive tools, and cases for use in studying occupational therapy and its foundational sciences.
OTseekerThis link opens in a new windowAbstracts of systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other resources relevant to occupational therapy interventions. Most trials have been critically appraised for their validity and interpretability.
PubMedThis link opens in a new windowFree access to MEDLINE, the vast NLM database of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journal articles as well as additional selected life sciences and biomedical journals not in MEDLINE.
Linked to ATSU's full-text subscription journals when access via this link. Includes access to PubMed Central, which is fulltext and open access.
PsycINFOThis link opens in a new windowThe core scholarly resource for psychology and related disciplines, this resource is focused on the interdisciplinary aspects of the worldwide behavioral and social science research and literature, psychology and related fields from the historical to the cutting edge. Includes more than 4 million bibliographic records for journal articles, book chapters, editorials, case reports, empirical studies, dissertations & theses, reports, etc.
Rehabilitation Reference CenterThis link opens in a new windowEvidence-based, point-of-care resource is for physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists and rehabilitation professionals; includes hundreds of clinical reviews, research instruments, drug information from AHFS, thousands of exercise images, reference handbooks, thousands of English and Spanish language patient education handouts, news, and clinical updates. Includes many modules of Continuing Education Units that are acceptable to most state licensing bodies.
Additional Databases
Academic Search CompleteThis link opens in a new windowLarge scholarly research database including peer-reviewed full text journals for STEM research, the social sciences and humanities; including medicine, education, the social sciences, public health, business, etc. Full-text journals, e-books, and videos from the AP.
Education SourceThis link opens in a new windowEducation Source is the world's largest full-text research database designed for education students, professionals and policymakers. It provides full text, indexing and abstracts for thousands of education journals, books and education-related conference papers. Coverage spans all levels of education and includes educational specialties such as multilingual education, health education and testing.
ERICThis link opens in a new windowThe authoritative database of indexed and full-text educational literature and resources; more than 1.6 million records and links to hundreds of thousands of full-text documents, including records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, policy papers and more. Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the United States Department of Education; this version adds much full-text content to the free open access government resource. There is a free Open Access version available elsewhere.
HAPI : Health and Psychosocial InstrumentsThis link opens in a new windowMore than 190,000 abstracts & bibliographic records for peer-reviewed scholarly journals, books, technical reports, and test publishers' catalogs covering more than 80 unique behavioral measurement tools and instruments which are used across professions and disciplines, including nursing, public health, psychology, social work, communication, sociology, and organizational behavior or human resources. Use it to find an appropriate instrument and the published studies connected to it.
REHABDATAThis link opens in a new windowAbstracts for over 200,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities; spanning 1956 to the present; includes some full-text. Now includes the CIRRIE Database of International Rehabilitation Research.