AccessEmergency Medicine This link opens in a new windowDesigned to support the immediate needs of the emergency department (ED) and students/physicians at all levels. Offers quick diagnosis and treatment answers for a broad spectrum of complaints encountered in the ED, ranging from neurologic and pediatric emergencies, to poisoning and trauma. Includes leading emergency medicine textbooks, procedural videos, interactive self-assessment, integrated drug database, patient education, self-quzzing Clerkship Corner study resources, etc.
American Hospital DirectoryThe American Hospital Directory® provides data and statistics about more than 7,000 hospitals nationwide.® hospital information includes both public and private sources such as Medicare claims data, hospital cost reports, and commercial licensors. AHD® is not affiliated with the American Hospital Association (AHA) and is not a source for AHA Data. Our data are evidence-based and derived from the most definitive sources.
Procedures ConsultThis link opens in a new windowCollection of instructional clinical procedures videos meant for use by practitioners to learn techniques for the point of care; including family medicine, emergency medicine, surgery, anesthesiology, cardiovascular medicine, orthopedic medicine, pediatrics, etc.
Trip Clinical Search EngineThis link opens in a new windowTrip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care ; including images, videos, patient information leaflets, educational courses and news.
CDC Emergency Preparedness for Vaccine SafetyCDC’s Immunization Safety Office (ISO) prepares for emergencies by ensuring that robust systems are in place to rapidly monitor vaccine safety in the event of an emergency vaccination program.
ECG Wave-MavenSelf-Assessment Program for Students & Clinicians
TOXNETYour resource for searching databases on toxicology, hazardous chemicals, environmental health, and toxic releases
WISERWireless Information System for Emergency Responders
Clinical Guidelines Affecting Emergency Medicine PracticeThe American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) believes that emergency medicine should provide the highest quality of service and patient care based on current scientific research and available resources.
ECRI Guidelines TrustThis link opens in a new windowA publicly available resource for summaries of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines; developed based upon current evidence and synthesized and commented upon by expert clinicians. Previously the National Guidelines Clearinghouse offered by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; now offered by the non-profit ECRI Institute.
For over 25 years, AAEM has been a leader in protecting board certification in emergency medicine and confronting the harmful influence of the corporate practice of medicine.
The American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) certifies emergency physicians who meet its educational, professional standing, and examination standards.
The American College of Emergency Physicians promotes the highest quality of emergency care and is the leading advocate for emergency physicians, their patients, and the public.
ACOEP is comprised of attending physicians, residents and medical students from across the United States who have dedicated themselves to the advancement of the field of emergency medicine, as well as their careers.
The Arizona College of Emergency Physicians (AzCEP) exists to support the highest quality emergency medical care and to serve as advocates for our patients, our members and our specialty.
The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) is dedicated to the improvement of care of the acutely ill and injured patient by improving research and education.