These resources are optimized for mobile devices or have apps available for download. A quick list is followed by detailed instructions for each mobile resource.
Extensive, highly-respected evidence-based clinical decision support tool and reference that provides answers to clinical questions; content is written and regularly updated by a world-class team of physicians and researchers who synthesize the evidence and communicate it.
Micromedex Drug Interactions, Micromedex IV Compatibility, Pediatric Essentials and NeoFax Essentials app for subscribers; needs a password that is findable on ATSU provided Micromedex site under Resources. Click on Download Mobile Apps, and see the password in Step 4. NOTE Our Educational-Use license only permits student use in clinical settings. Faculty may only use this for teaching purposes.
Evidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support and reference resources for use at the point of care. Includes drug information from Lexicomp, regular practice-oriented podcasts and news briefs, patient education handouts, drug interactions checkers, calculators, etc. Will work offline. Requires creation of a personal login and id, and regular reauthentication.
Available for iOS, Android. If trying to reauthenticate while outside of ATSU's network, try using this backup login link: UpToDate
MedPixThis link opens in a new windowDatabase integrating over 50 K images and textual information intended for physicians and nurses, allied health professionals, medical students, nursing students and others; organized by disease location (organ system), pathology category, patient profiles, and by image classification and caption.
The FRAX tool is designed to assist clinicians in predicting the ten-year probability of fracture with or without the addition of femoral neck bone mineral density (BMD)
The ASCVD Risk Estimator is published to help health care providers and patients estimate 10-year and lifetime risks for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) using the Pooled Cohort Equations and lifetime risk prediction tools.
The ePSS is an application designed to help primary care clinicians identify clinical preventive services that are appropriate for their patients. Use the tool to search and browse U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations on the web or on your PDA or mobile device
The American College of Physicians (ACP) produces evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, which means that the guidelines follow a rigorous development process and are based on the highest quality scientific evidence.
Test your medical decision-making skills in a risk-free environment; assess your clinical knowledge on the go or in your spare moments; learn about diseases in just a few minutes and apply these skills to your day-to-day practice!
Learn heart murmurs the easiest way possible with Heart Murmur Pro. With 23 heart sounds included along with a wealth of clinically relevant information for each, you'll master heart sounds in no time at all.