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Leadership Development

This guide contains eBooks, journals, and additioanal web resources to help prepare medical professionals to step into leadership roles.

Leadership in Education Books

Leadership in Education Journals

Academic Leadership 

Aimed at those in the academic world who are dedicated to advancing the field through their research.                                                                                                      

Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership 

The Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership (JCEL) publishes peer-reviewed cases appropriate for use in programs that prepare educational leaders.

Academy of Educational Leadership Journal 

Presents theoretical and empirical works in education.

Journal of Research on Leadership Education 

JRLE seeks to promote and disseminate rigorous scholarship on the teaching, learning, and assessing of leadership preparation and practice, the political and contextual issues that impact leadership education, and the links between leadership education and student learning.

Educational Leadership 

Articles presenting a variety of viewpoints aimed at leaders in elementary, middle and secondary education, those interested in curriculum, instruction, supervision and leadership in schools.

Journal of School Leadership 

Articles examining educational administration in its broadest sense, application of theory in educational administration, staff development programs, utilization of educational administration concepts, practical applications of concepts.

Educational Management Administration & Leadership 

Presents research and analysis on all aspects of leadership, management, administration and policy in education.

Thrust for Educational Leadership 

Articles, special reports, commentary, professional development information and legislative alerts aimed at school administrators in California, published by the Association of California School Administrators.

International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 

Dedicated to enriching the education policy and leadership knowledge base, and promoting exploration and analysis of policy alternatives

