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Digital Measures Publication Training

A guide to reference when entering new publication data into Digital Measures.

Manual Entry

Citations can be added to your Digital Measures Profiles in two different methods, importing or manual entry.

Use the Publications area under Scholarship/Research heading, to enter in your citation.

1. Click on the Add New Item Button. 

2. Fill in the fields as completely as possible.

3. If entering a journal article, select it from the Contribution Type drop down.

4. Select the Current Status of the publication.

5. The Journal Name field list is maintained by the library.  Select the correct journal name from the drop down.  If it is not in the list, select "Not in List" to add.

A complete citation should contain a title, journal name, peer reviewed status, publisher, volume, issue or edition, page numbers, author names, a DOI and/or PMID, and the dates of publication activity.

If an author is affiliated with ATSU, you need to select the name from the drop down list, and not just type their name.  If you do not select from the drop down list, the publication will not be listed on their Digital Measures account and will cause duplications.

Other publication types you may enter include

  • Book or individual chapters 
  • A case
  • Conference Proceeding
  • Instructional Material
  • Magazine/Trade Publication
  • Newsletter
  • Newspaper Article
  • Software
  • Technical Report
  • Textbook
  • Other

If you need assistance finding some of the information, please contact the Library.


Edit Your Citations

Use the Publications area under Scholarship/Research heading, to edit citations already entered.

Find the citation you wish to edit, and click on the title.

An Edit Publication option will open, allowing you to add additional information or edit inaccurate information.