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Grants & You Fall 2021: RGSI Strategic Plan

Division of Research, Grants, and Scholarly Innovations (RGSI) Requests Your Feedback

2021-2028 Strategic Plan to Support Research and Scholarly Innovations

RGSI Vision

RGSI consists of an administrative core that leads 3 departments: A.T. Still Research Institute (ATSRI), Research Support, and Sponsored Programs (SP). RGSI is dedicated to nurturing a strong and supportive environment for research and scholarly activity conducted at A.T. Still University. 


RGSI Purpose 

To enable and promote excellence in research and scholarly innovation by:

  • Providing infrastructure, training, and support to promote the conduct of research and scholarly activity.
  • Creating and advancing policies, programs, and oversight practices for the responsible conduct of research and sponsored project activity.
  • Fostering a diverse and inclusive approach to research and scholarly innovations. 
  • Facilitating and enhancing strategic research partnerships and collaborations. 
  • Conducting clinical and translational research within the ATSRI. 


RGSI Core Values

  • Service
  • Integrity/Ethical Conduct
  • Impact
  • Advocacy
  • Synergy
  • Teamwork
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Collaboration

RGSI Division:

3 Departments

Headed by the Vice President of
Research and Sponsored Programs

RGSI’s 2021-2028 Strategic Plan to Support Research and Scholarly Innovations sets forward goals, objectives, and strategies intentionally formulated with input from faculty and pertinent stakeholders. The goals and objectives are aligned to advance and complement the core themes of the University’s new Strategic Plan. The Division’s plan incorporates new strategies to spur scholarly innovation as well as operational steps to strengthen infrastructure and ensure continuous quality improvement in RGSI service delivery and outcomes.


To request access to the draft, please email

Feedback may be provided until September 30, 2021.

RGSI Strategic Goals and Objectives 

[Working Draft, 9.23.21]

Goal 1: Strengthen ATSU's research infrastructure and culture. (RGSI Division)

Aligns with ATSU Themes of Mission-Focused Scholarship; Engaged, Diverse Community; Beneficial Partnerships; and Agile Resource Management as well as institutional community wellbeing and work-life balance.

  • Obj. 1.A: Branding || Promote awareness, understanding, and value of ATSU’s research and scholarly activities.

  • Obj. 1.B: Policy, Accreditation, and Communication || Improve research communication, governance, consensus, and prioritization among ATSU research leaders/champions, Faculty Senate, and Council of Deans/SVPAA to enhance research culture and productivity through engagement and work-life balance.

  • Obj. 1.C: IRC || Enhance engagement and contributions of the Interdisciplinary Research Committee (IRC).

  • Obj. 1.D: Regulation and Compliance || Support and promote the function, leadership, and compliance procedures of ATSU’s regulatory committees (i.e., IRBs, IACUC, and HMMC).

  • Obj. 1.E: Researcher Retention || Study existing protected-time practices for faculty engaging in research, service/educational projects, and grant writing, especially for those with heavy clinical responsibilities.

Goal 2: Enhance the growth and impact of the A.T. Still Research Institute. 

Aligns with ATSU Themes of Mission-Focused Scholarship and Beneficial Partnerships.

  • Obj. 2.A: Structure and Operations || Reimagine/reconfigure the ATSRI administrative, organizational, Center, and membership infrastructure to streamline and optimize research output.

  • Obj. 2.B: Symposium || Engage a broader University audience and expand ATSRI’s Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research Symposium from a regional to a national symposium.

  • Obj. 2.C: Professional Development || Enhance training and professional development in the ATSRI’s core areas of osteopathic, oral health, and community health research.

  • Obj. 2.DCenter Development || For each ATSRI Center (i.e., Center for Research in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Center for Oral Health Research, and National Center for Community Health Research), produce and execute succession planning, continue research team-science development, increase research productivity, and document measurable outcomes.

Goal 3: Enhance the impact, capacity, competitive advantage, and value added by RGSI’s service departments—Research Support and Sponsored Programs.

Aligns with ATSU Themes of Innovative Education; Mission-Focused Scholarship; Engaged, Diverse University Community; Beneficial Partnerships; and Agile Resource Management.

  • Obj. 3.A: Research Support || Assess and strengthen Research Support’s operations in research coordination, biostatistics, scientific writing, internal grants coordination, and emerging research support areas.

  • Obj. 3.B: Sponsored Programs || Assess and strengthen SP’s grantsmanship operations in the areas of prospecting, pre-award, grants administration, award acceptance, post-award, closeout, compliance, and training.

  • Obj. 3.CResearch/Grants Readiness || Explore growth of in-person, virtual, and digital offerings to support research and grantsmanship training/readiness and outcome sharing (e.g., scientific writing).

Goal 4: Enhance ATSU’s portfolio of research and scholarly activity by promoting synergistic engagement among internal and external partners and collaborators.
Aligns with ATSU Themes of Innovative Education, Mission-Focused Scholarship, and Beneficial Partnerships.
  • Obj. 4.A: Internal Grants || Explore/expand use of internal grants as a mechanism to establish intra- and inter-School/ATSU research and scholarly activity.

  • Obj. 4.B: Expanded Partnerships || Work with academic leaders and faculty to position and promote ATSU as a reliable institutional partner for the conduct of research and sponsored projects, particularly in core areas of innovation.