The US Department of Health and Human Services-Health Resources and Services Administration recently awarded a $994,817 grant to the Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health. The project, entitled Supporting a Faculty Workforce to Prepare Compassionate Community-Minded Oral Health Healers, is led by Wayne Cottam, DMD, MS, vice dean, as project director, and Robert Trombly, DDS, JD, dean, as deputy director. The performance period spans from September 1, 2021, through August 31, 2026.
This federally funded project aims to improve the recruitment and retention of diverse full-time clinical dental faculty, prioritizing those from rural and disadvantaged backgrounds. Throughout the 5-year grant, ASDOH will launch and sustain a dental faculty loan repayment program (LRP) to recruit/retain up to 3 LRP faculty in general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and/or public health dentistry and support them with enhanced faculty development, mentoring, and training activities. ASDOH’s efforts will be strengthened by engaging key University resources, including collaboration with the primary care programs at ASHS-PA Studies and SOMA as well as with numerous community health center training partners. Ultimately, the project team’s work will help to strengthen the dental faculty workforce and ASDOH’s greater efforts to improve access to oral health care for vulnerable populations.
Plan to attend this year’s PCORI Annual Meeting, taking place virtually November 17-19. Five main sessions will set the stage for discussions on PCORI’s proposed National Priorities for Health, while the closing plenary will cover what PCORI has learned from experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Fourteen breakout sessions will delve into topics such as health equity and disparities, the fight against COVID-19, engagement in practice, maternal morbidity and mortality, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and more.
NIH Loan Repayment Program Applications Due November 18 | |
Have you thought about applying for an NIH Extramural LRP award? Know someone who should?Awardees can receive up to $100,000 of educational debt repayment with a 2-year contract.NIH LRPs are unique programs, with tremendous benefit to early-stage researchers.Those previously not successful in getting applications funded are encouraged to apply again.The Extramural LRP application cycle will close on November 18, 2021.Visit the NIH LPR website to take advantage of available resources, and to learn moreabout eligibility requirements, application dates, and benefits of receiving an LRP award!Please share this valuable information with your colleagues! |