AccessMedicineThis link opens in a new windowLarge collection of important medical textbooks, reference, exam prep, videos, drug information, patient handouts, and diagnostic tools to support students from the 1st years through residency; includes Harrison's Online, the Current Diagnosis series, Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine, etc.
Cochrane LibraryThis link opens in a new windowMost respected source of evidence to inform practice for a variety of topics; offers systematic reviews of research in healthcare and health policy, including Intervention reviews, Diagnostic test accuracy reviews, Methodology reviews, Qualitative reviews, Prognosis reviews. Also offers news, editorials, and a Trials database.
DynaMedThis link opens in a new windowExtensive, highly-respected evidence-based clinical decision support tool and reference that provides answers to clinical questions; content is written and regularly updated by a world-class team of physicians and researchers who synthesize the evidence and communicate it.
Essential Evidence PlusThis link opens in a new windowAn evidence-based, point-of-care clinical decision support system that gives you access to over 13,000 topics, guidelines, abstracts, and summaries for use at the point of care. Includes access to Cochrane and other systematic reviews, diagnostic calculators, EBM guidelines, etc.
OSTMED.DRThis link opens in a new windowDigital library of osteopathic medicine featuring digitized historical documents and an index of contemporary osteopathic literature, including 30,000+ citations and abstracts of journal articles and book chapters, as well as selected full-text articles.
PubMedThis link opens in a new windowFree access to MEDLINE, the vast NLM database of indexed citations and abstracts to medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, health care, and preclinical sciences journal articles as well as additional selected life sciences and biomedical journals not in MEDLINE.
Linked to ATSU's full-text subscription journals when access via this link. Includes access to PubMed Central, which is fulltext and open access.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowEvidence-based, physician-authored clinical decision support and reference resources for use at the point of care. Includes drug information from Lexicomp, regular practice-oriented podcasts and news briefs, patient education handouts, drug interactions checkers, calculators, etc.