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Rubrics: Home



What is it?

Rubrics make expectations explicit to students and provide information about what learning looks like in your discipline. Rubrics also promote consistency in grading and assists in providing feedback to students.

Rubrics contain a set of criteria that describe student performance, and this information is often organized and presented as a grid.

There are several types of rubrics including:

  • Holistic Rubrics - rate overall performance on a single scale (ex. 1-5) and consider all criteria simultaneously
  • Analytic Rubrics - rate performance of each criteria individually on a scale (ex. 1-5); overall performance can be assessed by adding up the individual component scores
  • Checklists - indicates whether a skill/component is present or absent but does not indicate a degree to which it was accomplished

Examples and Implementation

You can create or adapt a rubric for your assessment (e.g. clinical skills, writing assignments, case presentations). Then be sure to: 


1. Provide the rubric to your students prior to the assessment - this helps students tell if they are meeting the expectations

2. Assess your students based on the rubric and share the results and feedback with your students


Tip: You can create rubrics in Canvas which can integrate with your gradebook. Or you can provide your rubric as a digital file or hard copy.