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Check-It-Out @ ATSM Library Issue 1, 2013: From The
University Librarian

From the University Librarian

Welcome to Check-It-Out@ATSMLib — the inaugural edition of the A.T. Still Memorial Library’s newsletter.  Over the last year and a half the staffs of what were previously two separate Libraries have come together to create a single library serving the entire University.  In this period the staff have been getting to know and work with each other; resources and services have been shifting to a University-wide focus; and our resources have continued the transition from paper-based to digitally-based. 

  • A Distance Support Librarian, Margaret Hoogland, was hired to build the Library’s services and support of both the School of Health Management and the KCOM clinical years.  She has also enabled us to expand the services of our Educational Technology Development Center ( to our Missouri campus. 
  • Our new Digital Resources Librarian, Hal Bright, is working hard to improve and better integrate your access to and use of our digitally-based resources.  I am very pleased with the progress we have made in the efforts to improve the Library’s support of the ATSU community. 

We are launching Check-It-Out@ATSMLib as part of an effort to improve our communications with you, our users.  We have also recently organized a Library Users Group with representatives from all of the University’s Schools.  Through these efforts, we want both to improve our letting you know what resources and services we can provide you, and to receive input on how we can do this more effectively. 

So please take a few minutes and explore our Newsletter and give us some feedback.  Did you learn anything new? Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve the newsletter?  Do you have any questions or suggestions about the Library and its services to you?  As I often say – I don’t read this ‘stuff’ so that anything we can do to make it easier for you to use the Library greatly helps us.

Mike Kronenfeld – University Librarian -