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Grants & You: Summer 2023: Scholarly Innovation & Grant Resources


  Quarterly Course Spotlight


New Data Sharing Requirements for NIH-Funded Research

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) new Data Management and Sharing Policy (DMSP) establishes data sharing requirements for all data-generating NIH grants. Many other research funders are following NIH's lead. In this webinar, CITI presenters describe key requirements in the NIH DMSP. They define components of a data management and sharing plan, and favorable characteristics for data repositories used to share data eligible for sharing. Finally, presenters point to key resources that can be used to determine grant eligibility and pathways to compliance with the new requirements.

Learning Objectives - By the end of this webinar, you should be able to:

  • Identify key requirements of the NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy.
  • Summarize components of an NIH data management and sharing plan.
  • Recognize key considerations when working with human subjects data.
  • Identify steps to prepare your research group and institution for the policy.

ATSU researchers should also explore the A.T. Still Memorial Library's Research Data Management LibGuide.

ATSU Research, Grants, and Scholarly Innovations encourages faculty to take advantage of our subscription to CITI's all-access webinar package. You can access the menu of CITI webinars through the Resources tab in ATSU's Sponsored Programs portal or directly through the CITI homepageIf you are new to the CITI program, you will need to register (create) a new account which will include creating a CITI username and password, and then follow the instructions for the ATSU campus that you are affiliated with. 

Launching a Career in Health Disparities Research—An NCCIH Perspective

Did you miss the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) Hot Topics Webinar “Launching a Career in Health Disparities Research—An NCCIH Perspective”? You can watch the video now on the NCCIH website. This webinar highlighted 3 NCCIH-funded early career investigators engaged in health disparities research. The investigators provided an overview of their research and engaged in a guided discussion about their career trajectory and challenges of conducting research to address health disparities. Research to address health disparities is a high priority for NCCIH.

NIH Office of Extramural Research, Division of Human Subjects Research (DHSR)

Click on the above graphic for an expanded visual, including examples of exempt research accepted by NIH

ATSU Sponsored Programs' Quarterly Grants Management Series

What to Know About Time & Effort Reporting on Grants

Hello ATSU Grants Community! Sponsored Programs, in conjunction with the Finance Office, will be delivering a series of grants management coaching memos, directives, and updates to support project directors, principal investigators, project teams, ATSU operations teams, faculty, and staff in fiscal management of grants awarded to ATSU.

Topic: Time and Effort Reporting on Grants

Detailed Information: The federal government requires an Effort Report when an individual is compensated by or has agreed to contribute effort as cost-share to a federally sponsored project. All ATSU faculty and staff serving as principal investigators (PI) or project directors (PD) on federal grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements are personally responsible to certify the effort that they and their employees spent toward the sponsored activity.

ATSU uses the Plan-Confirmation Method to verify that the effort spent on a sponsored agreement reasonably reflects the salary and wages charged to that agreement. Herein, monthly Salary Transfer Memos identify the budgeted, planned, and assigned work activity. These are updated as needed to reflect any significant changes in work distribution. A bi-annual Effort Report certifies after-the-fact reporting of federally-committed effort (grant-paid or grant-committed cost share) for which the employee was compensated by the institution. 

In conjunction with the Finance Office, Human Resources, and Payroll, Sponsored Programs facilitates the University’s time and effort system including monthly transfers of planned time contributions and bi-annual certification to reconcile/record time on federal awards. This procedure provides internal controls to ensure compliance with the Uniform Administrative Guidance Sections 200.430 Compensation for Personal Services and 200.431 Compensation—Fringe Benefits, and ensures effort occurred during the award’s period of performance. Additionally, the process assures:

  1. Reasonableness for the services rendered
  2. Conformity to written University policy/procedure (applied consistently to both federal and non-federal activities)
  3. Documentation/certification

Summary Conclusion: Employee time and effort verification is required for grant-paid or grant-committed cost share on all federally-sponsored projects. Effort is forecast upon grant account set-up, supported with monthly Salary Transfer Memos, and reconciled bi-annually with employee and PI/PD certification of the Effort Report.  

ATSU Departments Who Can Help: Please check with Sponsored Programs if you have questions about documenting grant-paid or grant-committed assistance for your project.