ASDOH Dental Clinic
5855 E. Still Circle
Mesa, AZ 85206
Phone: 1.480.248.8100
Dental Procedures & Procedure Codes
CDT 2025 : CURRENT DENTAL TERMINOLOGY by American Dental Association The American Dental Association's CDT 2025 CurrentDental Terminology provides the most current information required forconsistent and accurate documentation of services delivered, facilitatingefficient processing of dental claims. This book includes every code with itsfull descriptor. Understanding the descriptor can help determine whether theprocedure code accurately describes the service provided and can help resolvequestions about the accuracy of claim submissions. Dental practices can rely onthe ADA, the official and definitive source of CDT, to help them submit accurateclaims, and streamline reimbursements, and avoid rejections. CDT 2025:Current Dental Terminology gives you the most current information neededto ensure your patient records are correct and maximize reimbursement. CDT 2025 changes include 10 new codes, 8 revisions, 2deleted codes 4 editorial changes. Included are new and revised codes for the following: administrationof neuromodulators, administration of dermal fillers, removal of an indirectrestoration on a natural tooth, replacement of an implant screw, partialextraction for immediate implant placement, placement of an interim directrestoration, and repair of an implant/abutment supported prosthesis. In addition to providing the most up-to-date codes, CDT 2025also includes access to the CDT e-book, mobile app, and web app, providingdigital access to the full suite of CDT codes and descriptors. You will alsofind ICD-10-CM codes for dental procedures, making CDT 2025 the most valuableresource to meet your coding needs.